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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Internet Marketing Tips - Creating Killer Videos That Sell

The stone ages are dead. Long live the caveman. I remember the days when static web pages were all you got. Video? What the heck was that? Today, video is taking over the Internet. If you think I'm kidding, go over to YouTube and see how many views some of these videos are getting. It's insane. And, if you want to be a successful marketer today, you can't ignore video. This article is going to provide you with some tips on how to create videos that sell. After all, that IS the bottom line, right?

At the top of the to-do list is to make sure you have the proper equipment to do the job right. Trust me, you don't have to go out and spend tens of thousands of dollars. As a matter of fact, because video production tools have become so high tech, you can create a killer video with almost no cost at all. Just check out things like CamStudio and Open Office and you'll have all you need to create videos that sell...for FREE.

Next you want to make sure that you have the video scripted. Why do I say this? Because let me tell you something. Once you get in front of the camera or a mic, you WILL get nervous unless you have been doing this sort of thing for a very long time. Plus, scripting your video out will give you some idea of how long it's going to be. You don't want to make your videos too long. People have short attention spans.

Finally, you want to get your videos circulated as much as you can. YouTube is a great place to start but it isn't the only video site on the Internet. There are plenty of them. And, if you don't want to spend a lot of time submitting, there are automated submitters that you can get that will save you a ton of time. The more people who see your video, the more people will come to your site, which should be clearly visible in both the video itself and the description.

If you follow these simple tips you WILL make videos that will sell.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to find out how to create killer videos like my friend Kevin Riley and rake in a 6 figure income like he and I do? Check out my review of his dynamite product at my blog at

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