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Sunday, March 1, 2009

3 Strategic Internet Marketing Methods

Are you looking for a strategic Internet marketing strategy?I often find myself stuck in a rut looking for a strategic Internet marketing strategy.Unfortunately, when you are looking for a strategy to use you are not taking action.Without action is does not matter what strategy you use or implement.Because, you will just be sitting there.I do realize however, they need you need a strategy to follow.I'm going to lay out three Internet marketing strategies for you in this article.

Affiliate Marketing

The first strategic Internet marketing strategy I want to discuss his affiliate marketing.Affiliate marketing is where you promote other people's products for a commission.This is by far the easiest Internet marketing strategy to get into for anybody that is new.You do not need your own product and you can rely on the product creators expertise.Plus, the sales letter follow-up and sales system is already established.If you are new this is probably the best route to go until you get a little experience under your belt.

Product Creation

The most powerful Internet marketing strategy in in my opinion, is becoming a product creator.You have so many different advantages whenever you create your own products.Not only do you have control of the sales fall, but you also can leverage the power of affiliates.This is huge and can drive tons of traffic and sales to your site.This is a more advanced Internet marketing strategy, but in the long run this is most likely where you want to be.

List Building

This Internet marketing strategy is part of both of the two I listed before.You must have a list to make any type of long-term sustainable money online.Building an opt in list is essential if you want to have any long-term success on the Internet.Building an opt in e-mail list has many benefits.The biggest benefit is building a relationship with your lists.When you build a relationship with people they are more willing to pay for your products and become your customers.If you had a choice between doing business with a stranger in doing business with a friend, which one would you choose?The answer is pretty obvious.If you build a relationship with your list you will by default most likely make more money.

The key to success is focus. Strategic Internet marketing strategies do you no good if you don't take action.Action is the key to making all this work.All you need to do is take one of the strategies discussed above and put it into action.This will put you ahead of the rest of the crowd.Most people never take action, so you will be ahead of the game.

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