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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Internet Marketing and How Forums Can Help You Promote Your Website

For those of us with businesses and websites online, we know that marketing and promotion is one of if not THE most essential attribute possible. After all, no promotion means no visitors and no visitors mean no sales! When most of us start out, we don't even realize the amount of ways to market online, but after several passes and fails, and tons of reading and research, most of us figure out what makes people tick, what gets them interested, and how to get their attention!

Of course there are all kinds of ways to market your business or your website online, but honestly I prefer the forums. Not only is it easy, but it's quick and you can make some really great friends and some really great business contacts in the process of all of this.

This really is something you should check out if your starting out or if you haven't ever tried this technique before! Now if you join a forum and it's not your own, you will want to try to follow the rules as best as you can, obviously if you don't then you have a chance of getting in trouble, and that completely defeats the purpose of this process! In my opinion, sig links aren't enough; forums will allow you to place anchor text and links in your signature which can be seen on any post you make, as well as on your profile.

However, what I do find the be helpful, is to find forums that have marketplaces or service sections. These sections will both allow you to place a thread about your business and in most cases will also allow you to provide your service (if you have one to give) to the members of the board. I'll be honest, at least 90% of all my sales come from three forums in particular and they have done me well!

It's important to be "polite" on forums because first off it's not yours, second off you are in the unknown and really your nothing more than a n00b. People often take offense when a newbie comes storming on to a board and thinks they are exempt of all the rules and regulations. This is a good way to get yourself in trouble quickly, so just don't do it!

When making your thread be sure to include as much info as you can, but don't overdo it. I know people are usually cut half and half. 50% of the people don't mind reading posts that go on and on and on. And the other 50% (like me) hate threads that go on and on and on. Be specific but don't run on. Don't use "uhms" and "uhhs". Be professional, be precise, and be informative! The best thing you can do is tell a little bit about yourself first off, then tell them why you are on the forum promoting your site or service.

The second best thing you can do is to make sure you provide some sort of proof that you're not just some joker off the Internet highway looking to make a quick buck!

Make sure you have a website (as always) to show these people or any other people for that matter. Having a website is like pulling up in a Ferrari and having all the right pieces. Not having a website, is like pulling up in a Ferrari with a Ford engine, Chevy wheels, and a horn that sounds like that of a fog horn. If you're going to play the part you gotta look the part as well! Be sure to reply as soon as possible to threads, replies, questions, and PMs. Even if these questions may seem mundane and tawdry. Just do it.

After all that's what you're on this forum for, to interest people and to get then to trust you and like you! After you make your thread and you have things going, be sure to ask your customers (the happy ones) to post some good reviews ON your thread. This will not only bump your thread but it will also make people want to trust you and in turn bring you more work for your service and more visitors to your website which could lead to potential leads or even better yet, potential sales!

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Posted by marketing-development--59440 | 11:27 PM |

Internet Marketing 2008 - Around The Block Again?

Having turned the corner into 2008 it's time to set yourself a goal you won't be able to quit. Make it reasonable - something you can accomplish - and if you're internet marketing choose something that is guaranteed to be profitable!

Throughout any new global product launch leadership has to prove they can deliver on every promise. Now it's 2008! Have you been waiting for a fresh company to launch so you can partner with their solid global expansion strategy? You will find lots of opportunity in 2008.

There are names the world of internet business and marketing will become very familiar with in 2008. People who will create team training sites providing a first class opportunity to learn the tricks and techniques necessary to become very successful building an online business.

You can find a company that is an internet marketers dream & get started building a home based business.

Finding success at work from home opportunities has been elusive to many people seeking a career change in our changing world markets. There are more choices than ever this year!

The best business choice would give all product promoters the ability to build a business around the world with a product that instantly has global appeal plus seamless technology and systems that are already in place. They would be already open to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the American Caribbean nations - and planning to open in countries such as New Zealand and Australia! Not only that - but other countries should be able to view the website in their own languages. Indonesia & Singapore & Japan! These are your global opportunity markets.

The choice company must have a fast startup opening international markets - building with authority and confidence - and already be experienced in the global marketplace with previous promotions. A competitive new company must offer a global opportunity without marketing barriers!

If you want to research your future success and take the challenge you will find a contact link below for more information. I would greatly appreciate your response.

Cabanamatt ( aka Matthew J. Baker ) earns his name by working exclusively from the cabana - a virtual place in cyberspace which is located wherever he happens to be with his laptop. Contact Matt to learn more about internet marketing opportunities.

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Posted by marketing-development--59440 | 11:18 AM |

Internet Marketing Strategy For Success

Finding the Internet marketing strategy that works for YOUR business.

Are you looking for an Internet marketing strategy that will ramp up your traffic, sales, and profits? I'll give you two highly effective strategies. Let's take a detailed look at both.

1. Search engine Internet marketing strategy: Optimize your site for the search engines

This Internet marketing strategy is an important first step for ALL online businesses. According to a recent Marketing Sherpa study, 60% of searchers look no further than the first page of search results!

In order to achieve a first-page listing for YOUR keywords, you need to let the search engine spiders know what your site's all about.

To do that, place your top keywords in these "hotspots" on your web pages:

In your meta tags, particularly your title tag. Your title tag is the FIRST place most search engine spiders will look when cataloging your site.

In your image alt tags. The search engine spiders can only read text. So give them an opportunity to digest another instance of your keywords by including them in your image alt tags.

Throughout your site content. Make sure you include your top keywords in your heads and subheads, your first and last paragraphs of text, and throughout your copy where it fits naturally.

It can take a while before you see results from this search engine Internet marketing strategy, but you'll be amply rewarded with tons more traffic when that time comes.

2. Ebook Internet marketing strategy: Create an eBook to eliminate stocking and shipping headaches -- and keep 100% of the profits!

Electronic products are the single most profitable things that can be sold online because you don't have to store, package, or ship any physical inventory.

eBooks are also easy to produce, duplicate, and distribute -- and best of all, you can automate the entire process!

Here are a few ways your business can use eBooks:

As your main product. It can be about anything you want it to be -- from a course you wrote to a booklet of information gathered from various industry experts (with their permission, of course!).

As an opt-in offer. Again, this can be almost anything related to your main product or website. Offer it in exchange for email addresses so your can build your opt-in list.

As a backend product. Write an eBook on a topic that is related to your existing product or service, and sell it to your previous customers. If you sell golf vacations, for example, you could offer them an eBook with tips for protecting golf gear when traveling.

This eBook Internet marketing strategy is one of the most profitable out there, so it's definitely one worth thinking about!

Optimizing your site for the search engines is an important Internet marketing strategy. But it's only the first step. To learn more ways you can achieve a top ranking for your keywords, check out our online archive of free newsletters.

You'll also find articles on profiting with eBooks, including setting up a hands-free sales system.

Visit for more business tips.

Mathew Tamin is a young man who loves to help others achieve their goals. You can view his business website at

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Posted by marketing-development--59440 | 9:47 AM |

A Review of the Protege Bootcamp Internet Marketing Mentoring Program

By now you've heard about how people are making money hand over fist when it comes to really getting good work done online, and you may even know a few of them. So when it gets down to it, you'll start wondering what separates the people making a great living online from those are are merely hobbyists?

The truth of the matter is that it is probably less than you think! Over all, all that separates them is a lack of knowledge, and you'll find that when you take advantage of the Protege Bootcamp Internet Marketing Mentoring Program that you will have access to more information that you ever thought you could get.

Essentially what the Protege Bootcamp Internet Marketing Mentoring Program will do is help you figure out how to turn your hobbies and interests into a thriving internet business.

When you are working like this, you'll find that you will be doing something that you actually care about, you'll be enjoying your work, and you'll be able to make money from it. You've always wanted to make sure that you could make a living from your passion, and now is a great time to start. You'll find that there are plenty of reasons to really love what you are doing, and that this program will help you do it.

You'll also find that it is possible to put your own website together for less than hundred dollars. You'll find that your website is of the utmost importance, but that to make it presentable, you'll need to put in the time, effort, and let's face it, the money to make it look good. What you are going to get from this guide is the ability to put it together cheaply but professionally, and you'll be able to take the time to really figure out what you need to do in order to upgrade it further when the money comes rolling it.

More than just giving you a stage to present your wares, you'll find that the Protege Bootcamp Internet Marketing Mentoring Program can actually put you in a great position to really make sure that you can move to the head of the class whether you have a product or not. You'll learn excellent undercover marketing tips, and you'll also find that you can spend a lot of time simply making money by knowing about your market.

Of course, one of the best things that you can discover about this program is that you can get involved in it free of charge. You'll find that you can very simply and in a very straightforward way get this information free and you can start using it right away.

When you are looking to make sure that the risks that you take are conservative ones, you'll be able to really make sure that you are ahead of the game. Play it safe, and you'll find that you can still get great opportunities just by looking around. Don't delay; you'll find that this opportunity is simply not one that is going to last.

Let Derek Gehl Review Kings Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you more about Internet Marketing Review Kings. Feel free to use this article but please leave all links and author bio intact.

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Posted by marketing-development--59440 | 5:42 AM |

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