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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mold Allergy in Food - The Cause and the Cure

At first, I never knew that mold allergy can come from food. My mother and I share the same allergy. Damp places, high humidity climate, old clothes or books always give us difficult breathing or other mild asthma symptoms. But when my mother was diagnosed to have the allergy from food, I just realized that there are many kinds of food that use mold in the processing. Who can have this allergy? Do both mold allergy in food and in air always come together? And how to cure it? Keep on reading...

Mold, as well as mildew, is included in the fungi family. They differ from other plants or animal by their unique reproducing methods. Their seeds are called spores. When an allergic patient is inhaling spores, they might have symptoms like sneezing and difficult breathing. Besides in the air, mold can also grow in foods. Although it's only in small percentage, people with respiratory mold allergy can have the same allergy from food too. My mother cannot eat foods that are processed with mold, such as soy sauce, 'tempeh' or fermented cassava, while I don't share the same allergy.

Although not a processed food, peanut can also cause the allergy from the mold alfatoxin, a toxin that can be found in corn, wheat, soy, and sorghum, as well as in peanuts. Other foods that might cause the allergy are mushroom, melon, berries, beer, smoked meats, and some grains, as well as some cheeses, like blue cheese. Other dairy products such as milk is believed to contain alfatoxin if it came from cows that is fed by moldy feed. The most common molds found in food are aspergillus and rhizopus.

So how can we avoid and cure mold allergy from our diet?

Just like any other food allergies, the best way is to stay away from foods you are allergic to. You need to have an allergy testing to confirm exact food products that cause your food allergy, and include those foods into your restricted diet. Some people try organic diet to stay healthier. However, as organic products lack of chemical fungicides, they can be moldy faster than non-organic products.

How to cure ?

Allergy is a body reaction agains a toxic situation. Most of the cases, toxins that cause allergy come to non-natural substance. It happens as well in mold allergy. Therefore, the effort to cure the allergy by pharmaceutical medicines seem not appropriate, as those medicines are also toxic.

The best way to cure this allergy, and any other allergies, would be natural cure. Herbal therapy, homeopathy and acupuncture/acupressure are some of natural medication methods that you can try. Of course, sudden discontinuing of pharmaceutical medication would be unwise either. You should consult your doctor before slowly replacing your treatment with natural substance.

Allergy is a unique disease that we often cannot make disappear, however through a consistent and healthy diet and lifestyle, you can live normally with allergy, or even asthma.

Fanda Amnesiana is the owner of a valuable resources for asthma and allergy problems. She has been familiar with allergy and asthma, as she and her mother share the same disease, and want to encourage people with asthma to control their asthma and have a normal and happy life.

Posted by marketing-development--59440 | 1:02 PM |

6 Vital Topics to Know About Asthma

Asthma, as of today, does not have a cure but for most people there is a temporary solution for it and is controlled with diligence and most can have a full normal life. The control can come from plans and way of life changes that has shown to reduce the length of time of an asthma attack and increase the period of time that it does not affect you. I have put together a few questions and concerns that most people have about this disease.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering condition of the respiratory system differentiated by repeating occurrences of difficult or labored respiration (lack of breath), combined with wheezing (breathing with a whistling sound), a feeling of constriction in the chest, and coughing to a distinctly greater extent, through the night. The reason for this is because of swelling and inflammation that happens in the lining of your airways or bronchial tubes. Then comes a constricting of your air passages. This is all due to reaction to an irritant or allergen. In addition, mucus produced by the coughing and constriction makes the situation even worse.

Asthma is a disease mainly of children but is common in many adults. The cause of this condition is not exactly known or understood.

How To Diagnose Asthma

Identifying the disease asthma particularly with kids that are below school age can be a challenge. The symptoms of asthma are very close to the common cold. This is where a family history of breathing and asthma problems can help your health care provider in their diagnosis. Then if someone gets repeated colds, shows wheezing, allergies and coughing then it might be beneficial to the patient to get a test for lung function (spirometer to measure vital capacity).

It will measure the total amount of air that is exhaled following a deep breath and get the asthma diagnosis.

An Asthma Attack

Intense exasperated feeling of annoyance of asthma symptoms that are sudden or following advanced signals is known as an asthma attack. When the attack happens it is caused by the reduced motion of air in the patient's respiratory tract and make breathing hard to do. In severe cases the lack of oxygen is so bad that the patient may actually turn blue. In this case if not treated quickly it becomes a threat to life.

What Brings About An Asthma Attack?

An asthma attack is generally triggered by a response of the respiratory system to some allergens or irritants present in the air that one breathes.

When our respiratory system responds to an irritant or allergen in the air that you breath an asthma attack is likely. Some people may have an acid reflux episode where stomach acid rises up to the esophagus and brings on severe coughing leading to an asthma attack.

How To Treat Asthma

How asthma is treated mainly is accomplished in three steps.

1. Identify what the irritants or allergens are which brings about an asthma attack. This probably one of the most important step to control the disease by avoiding the named items.

2. Knowing when an attack is about to happen, allowing you to get ready for that attack. Knowing the warning signals.

3. Taking your medication as the physician has prescribed. Your medicine usually is of two types. Quick relief to manage the present symptoms. And long term protective medicines to ward off the severity and frequency of the attacks.

Asthma Triggers That Are Important

Here are some of the most common irritants or allergens that bring about asthma:

  • Mold
  • Pets
  • Pollen
  • Cold or wet weather
  • Dust mites
  • Cockroaches
  • Factory or car air pollutants
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Food additives and some foods themselves

  • We have covered what asthma is and how to diagnose it. What an asthma attack is, the cause and how to treat it. What the top asthma allergens and irritants are.
    If you stay away from the asthma triggers, take the advice of your doctor and take the prescribed medicine regularly, your are well on your way to living a close to normal life.

    Jim's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics and life-long experience. You can learn more of asthma by visiting: asthma signs and symptoms.

    Posted by marketing-development--59440 | 12:54 PM |

    Why Do You Snore and Fastest Stop Snoring Method

    That age old problem of nightly snoring is almost relentless upon the human body of the one that is snoring, not to mention the loving spouse that must be exposed to the on going noise night after night. From swollen or blocked nasal passages to the semi-blockage of the airway of the throat, this is a noise that may fluctuate in the noise levels, but just never seems to stop otherwise.

    Since there are many reasons as to why people habitually snore, there are now numerous ways to ease these snoring issues. But since everyone is different as to why they are snoring, there must also be a wide variety of anti-snoring remedies, methods, and solutions in ending the snoring in your home. It is all just a matter of finding the best personal fitting anti-snoring solution just for you!

    This can be done best by asking yourself a few questions specifically related to your snoring, and as to what may seem to be triggering it. Are you a smoker or a heavy drinker? Do you take sedative types of prescribed or over the counter medications? Are you overweight or obese? Do you eat a great amount of dairy products in the evenings, or do you eat heavy meals late at night? Are you under excessive stress or lacking the proper hours of nightly recommended sleep? Do you not exercise the way you should on a weekly basis? Does your snoring have any direct correlations to on going allergies, colds, sinus problems or asthma issues? These are all very important questions to thoroughly take into consideration before the next step of snoring resolutions can come about.

    Since cigarette smoking and alcohol are both very serious health hazards, it should come as no surprise in how a regular snoring problem could be directly related to these bad habits. The same goes for too much excess weight because the extra fat is not only bad for your overall health, but it is directly to blame for the extra pressure and blockage of the throat airway passages, especially when laying down to sleep.

    Excess stress and lack of exercise are both very serious problems because the of all the direct and indirect ill health issues eventually brought about. When it comes to medications, there are a good number of them that will have the side effect of snoring due to several factors that must be discussed with your doctor or pharmacist. When it comes to allergies, colds, sinus problems and even asthma issues snoring is most always a problem too.

    In many cases the problems of snoring can be resolved when the other health issues are directly addressed and resolved. But for those habitual snoring individuals still needing some anti-snoring assistance, there are literally hundreds of wonderful anti-snoring remedies out on the shelves that will give the most optimum results in anti-snoring relief. It is all a matter of researching exactly what works best for you. So if you are a snorer, take the time to really research and resolve your snoring issues.

    Dr.Anita Choudhary researches and writes for Browse our site for more information about snoring remedies, anti snoring treatment and related issues.

    Posted by marketing-development--59440 | 12:46 PM |

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