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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Finding Internet Marketing Mentors and Home Study Courses

Are you considering making the move from your day job to home based business opportunities or automated home based businesses? If you are, you're not alone. Despite the common myth that home based businesses are different from typical ones (retail shops with store fronts, etc), this couldn't be further from the truth. Business will always be business, whether you run it from behind your PC or by standing by a food stand each day in the sun.

The goal of any business is to serve customer needs or demands at the best negotiated price - how you do so effectively, while making the most profit, is where you'll need to work on after you settle on some home based business opportunities. This is where internet marketing mentoring comes in handy. Mentors in internet marketing are those who have seen the ups and downs of their particular niche markets and thus, have invaluable insight that may help steer you out of troublesome areas.

With a plethora of home study courses and successful internet marketing mentors on the net, you're sure to find one that can help you achieve what you seek. Mentors are important and resourceful even in the business world because "hand-me-down" advice and tips are tried and tested in real markets. Being able to utilize their knowledge gives you leverage, as you know what has worked and what hasn't, especially in your particular niche. When seeking a mentor, make sure that he or she has done exactly what you seek to do. This ensures that their perspective can be transferred to you without any gaps or loose ends.

When it comes to learning from mentors, having well defined and useful examples and case studies is important. You learn faster when you can actually see what's been done and why particular strategies worked, etc. Of course, nothing beats direct and personal experience, but if you want to refrain from risking your money early on, a mentor can help make sure you're not making poor and unprofitable decisions.

Step-by-step business plans are also key for new entrepreneurs, as many are unclear of the exact path they want to take on. The more direction you can obtain, the more focused you can be when it comes to setting up and profiting from your business (as quickly as possible).

There are many who fuss about the cost and rates of these study courses and mentoring programs - the truth is, knowledge is power and if I can personally borrow this knowledge to make 10x the initial investment, I would do it everyday and be happy to pay any fees.

If you can find home study courses or internet marketing mentors that have succeeded in your chosen niche market, talk to them and learn about the plethora of home based business opportunities. Don't be shy to ask them for an initial assessment. If you feel that they're up to par, I'm sure you'll be able to build a profitable relationship with your mentor and enjoy the benefits of automated home based businesses. The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can learn from others.

About The Author:Jason Wieland is a successful internet marketer and works with some of the leading marketers in the industry. His goal is to help others achieve the success online that he has been able to obtain. To learn more about Internet Marketing Mentors, Visit Jason's BigTicket website.

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