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Saturday, February 28, 2009

What Causes Asthma - The Truth

What causes asthma? Well there are many things that can cause asthma most of them are environmental causes and some are internal causes. First let's start with the environmental causes, some causes of asthma are allergic reactions to air pollution, smoke, pollen, and also there is exercise induced asthma as well.

Some asthmatics are more sensitive than others with these triggers and then some may not be affected at all by some or all of these causes. Airpollution is probably the number one cause of asthma and that is why in most major metropolitan cities there has been a huge increasein the number of people getting asthma, especially in small children.

On the internal causes of asthma somesay it is genetic and others say it is not, thereis no conclusive evidence on if it does. Other causes of asthma internally are you diet with such triggers as dairy,cheese, meat, some nuts, and a few various other foods that some people are individually sensitive to.

On the other hand if you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and cut back or cut out the above causes then you just might dramatically reduce your asthma and attacks. I have researched for years the causes of asthma and the medicines and recently been testing some alternative remedies and ways I can cure my asthma or atleast reduce the attacks and control it better. I have a website that reviews my findings that I think many people couldbenefit from and I hope I can help a lot of people with my research.

Natural Asthma Cures

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