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Friday, February 27, 2009

Is There Any Connection Between Breastfeeding, Asthma and Allergies?

Research indicates that babies who are breastfeed are less likely to develop eczema or other allergy related conditions. If you, your partner, an older child or other close family members suffer from asthma or other allergy related problems there is a higher than average chance that your child will also do so. It is therefore well worth breastfeeding your baby if you can and continuing to do so for as long as possible.

How can breastfeeding help? Experts are still not sure exactly how breast milk acts as a protection against asthma, but it is known that breast milk contains high level of antibodies. These antibodies provide the walls of the baby's intestines with a protective lining in the first few days after birth. Formula milk mimics breast milk in many ways but it cannot reproduce these natural antibodies.

So, how long should you breastfeed? It is advisable, when you have a family history of atopy, to breastfeed for six months and to keep your baby's diet to breast milk alone during that time. There is often pressure from other new parents and from older members of the family to introduce solids, in the hope your baby will sleep through the night, or because they are concerned that she may not be getting enough nourishment. But there is no evidence to suggest early weaning solves sleep, or indeed any other, problems.

If your baby is hungry she will naturally be able to stimulate a greater supply of breast milk to satisfy her requirements, all you need to do is to eat a healthy, satisfying amount of food, get plenty of rest and feed your baby as often as she demands it.

So, will weaning be difficult? When you know that your baby has an increased risk of asthma, you can plan ahead and take some sensible precautions when you begin introducing your baby to solid foods. Fortunately, this does not mean you have to search out difficult to find, expensive food items or spend a long time cooking special meals for your baby, it simply means following a few basic rules.

How to do a successful weaning? Start by feeding your child baby rice, but mix it with some pureed fruit, such as banana, apple or pear, or with expressed breast milk or baby formula milk. Offer yogurt and cheese once your baby is used to having a variety of foods, from about six months. Well cooked egg yolk can be introduced from eight months, but if possible delay introducing egg white until your child is a year old. Avoid giving cow's milk until your baby is at least one year old.

Do not introduce wheat until your child is at least seven months old. This means initially avoiding many biscuits, breads and cereals; choose from the wide variety of gluten free products available in the shops instead.

Introduce all new foods to your baby slowly and separately, ideally at least a week apart. Apart from giving your baby time to get used to new tastes, this makes it easier to identify the culprit if an allergic reaction does occur.

To learn more about Asthma, Asthma Treatment, and Asthma Symptoms facts, make sure to visit where you will find a complete guide on Asthma, Asthma Treatment, and Asthma Symptoms available for free...

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