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Monday, February 23, 2009

Forgot to Pack Your Inhaler? Don't Worry Here's Some Effective Natural Cures For Asthma

Forgetting your inhaler when you're going somewhere is probably not the best idea, but let's face it, sometimes it happens and I can even vouch for that.

But when we do forget our inhaler, we need to have a back up plan, or something that will help us in the time of need with our asthma. That's where these natural cures for asthma comes in to help, and give you an alternate option if you so happen to forget you asthma inhaler.

Ginger Tea - If you happen to forget your inhaler, make sure you grab this. Hot ginger tea mixed with crushed garlic can be taken twice daily. Ginger tea is one of the good natural cures for asthma, and will provide you with a great alternate without an inhaler. Your asthma will then be under control, and allow you to have good relief.

Mustard Oil - Has been one of the well known natural cures for asthma, and is used as massage oil (not to be drunk) it can be mixed with camphor and rubbed on the chest of the person who has asthma. It could become that welcome asthma cure by easing breathing as it loosens the phlegm on the chest. Many people chose to use this because it's rubbed on, rather than being used as a drink.

Safflower - Safflower seeds are helpful in dealing with bronchial asthma. Take half a teaspoon of powder of the dry seeds, combined with a tablespoon of honey, this can be taken once or twice a day in treating the disease. This acts as an expectorant and reduces the spasms by liquefying the tenacious sputum. An infusion of five grams of flowers mixed with one tablespoon of honey, taken once daily, is also useful in this disease.

These natural cures for asthma are a great alternative if you don't have an inhaler handy, and you feel you need one. You can't go wrong with either of the 3 provided above, they are all proven to be effective. There are many natural ways to deal with asthma, and a lot of them are inexpensive.

Are you a victim of costly asthma medications, and looking for a natural way to deal with asthma? Click Here To See Reviews of The 3 Top Selling Downloadable Books That's Best for Naturally Beating Asthma!

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