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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Internet Marketing - Avoiding the Lies and Deceptions

When I first got involved in network marketing and MLM programs I was constantly bombarded with the phrase, "you need to have a big enough Why to succeed in this industry". They always showed the multimillion dollar leader of this team and how he had achieved his phenomenal success because he had a big enough "Why".

Then they made the comment that all those who did not succeed like this leader just didn't believe. They didn't have a big enough "why".

For a couple of years I actually believed them and berated myself for not believing. "That must've been the reason for my lack of success", I told myself. But the reality was I did have a big enough why. Providing for my family is (or should be) a big enough why in any company. I don't have to want to provide the entire country of Nigeria with milk and food for the next eight months to qualify as being a big enough "why".

In reality this methodology and thinking is a big lie. You don't need a big enough "why", you need a proper marketing system.

Anyone can succeed with a proper marketing system-Anyone! The sad fact of the matter is that most of these MLM leaders don't teach you a proper marketing system. They may have some special talent or gift for sales or dynamic personality and expect you to imitate them but if that is the case, why do they try to recruit everyone into this industry saying that anybody can do it when average people don't have a clue as to how? They don't have these special sales talents nor have any training in these areas.

But the reality is that average people can succeed with a proper marketing system. They don't have to be a dynamic leader, look like a supermodel, be an author, a doctor or retired lawyer to succeed at MLM. All they need is a marketing system that reaches people looking for their opportunity, program or products.

There doesn't need to be any hype, over exaggeration, annoying or bugging family and friends and thinking that everybody in the world wants their program-they just don't know it yet. These are all lies.

You don't have to have hotel meetings, parties, blasting parking lots with windshield wiper flyers, or looking like a clown in order to get them excited about your fantastic new opportunity. As you know, people run at the slightest whiff of anything closely related to MLM. They've all been offended before. They've all been "Amwayed" to death.

So the next time somebody want you to join their fantastic program promising wealth untold at the push of a button just by sharing your opportunity, ask them what kind of marketing system they want you to use. And if the first sentence in that program promotes the company name and its phenomenal, one-of-a-kind, patented product, head for the door.

Marketing is everything especially in MLM.

If you want people to call YOU to join your Program or Opportunity, then just go here for further information: Internet Marketing

Author: Kelly W Smith is an expert Internet Marketer and Success Coach who assists others in reaching their Financial, Mental and Spiritual goals.

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