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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Internet Marketing Success Tips - How to Always Show a Profit in Your Information Product Business

Are you fully aware of all the assets you have in your possession at this very moment? Most people have no idea of the astounding number of assets and resources readily available to them right now that could be used to quickly build and grow an information product business.

When I first ask clients to tell me what their assets are, I typically get a very short list of only five or ten items... money, equipment, products, education and the like. But an asset is much more than what those kinds of things represent.

By definition, an asset is a useful or valuable quality, person, or thing; an advantage or resource. If you're unaware of all the valuable assets currently at your disposal, then how can you use or tap into them, much less fully leverage them?

Let's take a look at a just a handful of the many powerful business-building assets you already have at your disposal... key assets that will enable you to not only survive, but thrive in your information product business.

Personal and Professional Assets Mini Inventory


Make a list of ALL of your contacts and their relationship to you. Include business associates; past or present coworkers; networking acquaintances; current and past bosses and supervisors; vendors and suppliers.

Remember to include personal and business service providers; relatives; blogging or other social networking contacts; mastermind partners; media and PR contacts; and so on. Don't overlook anyone. Sometimes it's the people you least expect who turn out to be your most valuable connections.

List Assets

Record any contact lists you currently have or could easily gain access to. Include your own or others' prospect and customer list; personal and professional association, membership, club, church or other group lists.

Be sure to include any lists that you'd like to gain access to. Take a few minutes to brainstorm or research how you could gain access to them.

Personal Assets

Make a detailed list of your core strengths, education, experience, skills and any specialized training you've had. Consider all areas of your life... relationships, parenting, finances, and health and fitness.

Don't forget to include things like volunteering, musical and foreign language training and experience. You'll be amazed at how quickly your list of assets will grow when you take every area and facet of your life into account.

Content Assets

List any content you've ever created, even if it's raw, unpolished material. Include things such as business, association or club newsletters and articles; white papers and reports; interviews; coaching or consulting emails or other communications.

Case studies and testimonials; newspaper columns; product, service, book or other reviews; press releases; pamphlets or brochures; and instructional charts, graphs or blueprints are all content assets that could be reframed for use in your Internet business.

Physical and Virtual Assets

Look around your home and office and make a list of your computer hardware; electronics / equipment (iPod, digital camera / video camera, microphones, VCR or DVD player / recorder, cell phones, headsets, etc.).

Take stock of your software programs or applications; web hosting, broadband Internet access, phone line access / service, etc. Be sure to include service providers such as a bookkeeper, webmaster, programmer, web designer and others.

Financial and Other Liquid Assets

Make a list of your cash assets including credit lines, savings, 401Ks and other retirement accounts or funds. Record anything else that could be sold or otherwise immediately converted to a cash asset.

Consider real estate and other investments and any other potentially cash-generating assets such as any products or product inventory, rental properties, intellectual property (with a sales process in place), and anything else that currently generates or could easily be set up to generate an income.

"If you count all your assets, you always show a profit." -Robert Quillen

When you take time to take stock of the countless assets and resources readily available to you, you'll discover it's far easier to start and build a profitable Internet business than you may have been thinking.

Need help identifying and leveraging all of your business and personal assets? You're invited to claim your free copy of my eye-opening report by going to .

From Mary Anne Fisher: The Profitable Internet Business Coach for Conscious Entrepreneurs

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